A group with an admirable mission. They have been actively working to repopulate reefs and seas with highly-needed shell species. And now, ordinary people can take part in revitalizing reefs by adopting shells! ADOPT-A-SHELL allows one to take active participation on marine conservation efforts in the Philippines, touted to have the most number of marine species per unit area on the planet.
The site may look fun, but the seriousness of its mission cannot be understated. We have to be good stewards of what we have been given. Our resources are finite. Taking care of what we have now helps ensure that future generations can enjoy and marvel at God's wonderful creation as well.

Beneath the surface
As most of the treasures and wonders of the seas are found underneath the surface, so this site's goodies also act behind the scenes. A powerful content management system (CMS) acts as a database for news and other archival functions. We also integrated an eCommerce system to facilitate donations.

Responsive like water
Like water taking the shape of whatever container it's in, so this site automatically resizes and flows to the user's device and screen size.