Sounds Kradle is a music education provider that found the need to reinvent itself when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. With lockdown enforced and schools shut down, they decided to move their operations online. This meant that they needed the capability to conduct multiple online music classes happening at the same time, with superb audio and video conferencing. They tasked us to design their website from scratch and to integrate key technologies in order for them to achieve fully-online operational status.

Product Catalogue
Before any pixel-pushing took place, building a catalogue database of the multiple piano brands they distribute was essential in organizing the numerous information and specifications of the many models they carry. Only then did we utilize the stream of organized information as building blocks in creating informative and useful catalogues separated according to brand.

As is the standard in all our designs, the entire site is mobile-responsive; automatically resizing to different screen sizes from different devices, giving the visitors a pleasant experience in navigating the site.